Monday, 28 May 2012


Impacience. I am STILL waiting for Bitterblue. Seriously. How long is this going to take!? Also impacience for the holidays which are beginning next weeekkk; Whoop Whoopppp! 
I am wasting my time by watching funny youtube videos, including Kassem G. I find him hilarious! And I admire his amazing social skills. Seriously. He talks dirty to random people he just met and it's brilliant. I know some people don't like him 'cos he comes across as cocky but I don't mind as long as the content of his videos stays funny. I am also currently constantly buying and reading new books. Mostly chick lit.
So as I promised I am going to talk about The Statistical Probability Of LOVE At First Sight also known as  SPLFS. I read it in approximately 2 days and I loved it. I bought it because of my intuition and I'm so happy that I did 'cos it's deffs one of my new favs. It's about a girl who flies to her fathers wedding to her new step mother whom she's never met and doesn't want to meet either. She misses her flight and ends up sitting to a hot English guy with whom she gets along really well and then they kiss in Heathrow airport before they lose eachother in the crowd without having exchanged numbers or anything. Then they go through some complicated suff trying to find eachother again and in the end all ends happily ever after. Joy. The way I just described the book id probably doesn't sound very good but I actually liked it, because I kinda like the weir concept of falling in love with someone over seven hours. The book takes place over 24 hours, which is weird/cool and there is a lot of flashbacks and random tense changes which really confused me, all this add up to be a really unconventional format for a book. So yeah I liked the slightly cheesy story and the excentric story telling style. All in all, probably a 4/5.
Now the other book: The Fine Art Of Truth Or Dare by Melissa Jensen and it's about an Italian, Ella, girl who got a massive scar and is really selfconcious and then she obviously falls in love with the hottest guy in her year and blah blah blah...He has a girlfriend though who is a massive twat and then he dumps her (YAY!) and then they get together blah blah blah... It's also really cliché, but sooometimesssss I just love a bit of kitsch! I love that it's funny in the way that she start of being in love with a late 19th century artist (fictional) to whom she talks etc.. So yeah shes a bit weiiird, but it's quite funny and gives a relief from the rest of the cliché story line.. I really liked about the first two thirds and then not so much the last thrisd because I thought she got together with Alex (I can't help imagining Pettyfer, hmmmmmm..) way to quickly! Like it's-not-even-realistic-quickly... The the problems section is about her feelin like she is his dirty little secret and basicly abandoning her best friends for him... Again cliché... Blah.. 
My favourite thing about these books really was that a) it included Alex P. b) the two main male leads are both like the two guys I have most recently liked. Mostly-friendly-English-guy and hyper-popular-hot-dude. None of these actually worked out for me but in the books they did so that is probaly why I like them so much!
I bought the first Pretty Little Liars book, as I love the series but hadn't read any of the books, as well as some spy books which seemed quite cool, but now I realise it's probably also really girly and cheesy... But I think I'll enjoy it anyways! My title hasn't got anything to do with what I've wrote about yet, but I will explain now. We have adopted a new baby kitten... Called.... You guessed right: Karma. I love the name because now I can tell everyone ''It's Karma Bitch!!'' and officially not insult anyone because I am talking about the cutest, fluffiest little kitten the earth has seen. So yeah, Karma. My grown-up cat, Mietzekatze, hates her.. I think he is jealous because he isn't getting as much attention anymore.. He growls at the poor little thing, but recently it's getting better.. Thank god!

I have currently got four exams to go and I have two of those tomorrow, and then I have my ehibition opening in a week. I feel so cool saying that! It's not actually just mine, but every GCSE Art student's but I am really excited because one of my paintings was chosen for the poster, which is SUCH a big honour!! Otherwise there is also alot going on in the the next few weeks concerning parties etc... I hope to have a lot of fun!
So yeahhh, not much else to talk about except for that I have now started the ninth season of  So You Think You Can Dance and I am really excited already! I really hope it's better than last season, which I really didn't like, and I am looking forward to the final of The Voice UK because even though three of my favourites, Adam and Bill and Max, didn't get so far and I was shocked that Vince is in the final instead of Beccy Hill, who I think has an absolutely amazing voice; I love Bo Bruce (I really want her to sing Zombie - The Cranberries!!!) and Leanne and I guess Tyler is ok, even though his voice is weird and I dont' like his constant use of his falsetto.
Tomorrow Chem and English so I better go now... Have already procrastinated wayyyy too much! The other day I learnt the first verse of 212 by Azealia Banks because I couldn't be bothered to revise... 

''Hey, I can be the answer...''

So my songs of today are:

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